Happy Holidays, Friends of Innocence!
Check out our proud Sponsor of the Miracle of Innocence Virtual Auction. Miracle is a playful soon-to-be 1-year-old Shih Tzu, recently adopted by Darryl Burton's family. With your support Miracle would like to invite your pet, family, and friends to help fundraise.
We are holding a Virtual Silent Auction for the Holidays to raise funds to free a wrongly accused inmate. Our goal is to raise $350,000 to fund one innocent case by the end of the year. Visit miracleofinnocence.org for more information. You don't want to miss Miracle's end-of-year events!
Bid high and bid often to get the best bargain of the year! The Virtual auction starts on Friday, November 24th, 2023. To schedule delivery and pickup, email auction@miracleofinnocence.org.
Donations are always appreciated and welcomed in so many ways. Please join Our Co-Founders, Board staff members, MOI Santa & Miracle in person at the Miracle of Innocence Christmas Party so that we may express our appreciation and gratitude for a great year of helping to free and care for the innocent. Come enjoy music, food, beverages, and snacks. YOU are the reason for the season and all the hard work you have done in making this world a better place to live, work, and play for the Innocent Community is unmeasurable! Thank you for all of your generous hearts, and time and for the many gifts of Freedom you have given in so many ways.